
aespa’s Winter Had Surgery for Possible Collapsing Lungs, Return to Activities as Normal?

It is confirmed that aespa's Winter underwent pneumothorax surgery and is currently recovering in the hospital.

According to a report by Ten Asia on April 12, Winter underwent pneumothorax surgery at a renowned large hospital in Seoul on the 11th and is currently recovering. 

Pneumothorax is a condition where air or gas collects in the space between the thin layer of tissue that covers the lungs and the chest cavity, which can cause all or part of the lung to collapse.

aespa winter

On the other hand, Winter reportedly fulfilled her schedule in Japan ahead of her pneumothorax surgery as aespa departed for Japan on the 6th. It is known that the girl group appeared on the popular Japanese music program “Venue 101”.

Meanwhile, aespa, including Winter, is scheduled to hold a world tour from June, alongside their comeback in May. 

It is known that hospitalization for 2 to 3 days is usually required after pneumothorax surgery, and full recovery may take another one to two months. However, it is stated that there should be no problem participating in comeback activities and the world tour schedule, depending on Winter’s recovery status.

Source: Naver

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