
Actor Jung Il Woo shows a cool attitude when someone scratched his Porsche but ran away without apologizing

Jung Il Woo drew attention with his cool reaction when finding out a scratch on his car.

On November 17th, Jung Il Woo posted a photo on his Instagram account and added the caption, “I wonder how a person who scratched someone else’s car then left feel. Found this while washing the car”.

jung il woo porsche

The released picture shows a long and clear scratch near the wheel of Jung Il Woo’s Porsche car. The appearance of Jung Il Woo taking a photo of the scratch was reflected on the car’s surface.

Jung Il Woo must have been upset by the scratch, but he didn’t blame the person who caused the scratch and left without apologizing. Rather, he reacted coolly, “I will have to paint it”, certifying his nice personality.

Jung Il Woo

According to Article 156-10 of the Road Traffic Act, a person who did not provide personal information to the victim after damaging a parked or stopped car may be fined up to 200,000 won. 

Meanwhile, Jung Il Woo starred in the movie “Highway Family”, which was released on November 2nd.

Source: Daum

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