
Hyuna Shocks Netizens Again With Recent Underwear Airport Fashion

Singer Hyuna, known for her bold personality, once again made headlines with her unexpected selection of outfits

Hyuna recently arrived at the airport to depart for the XD World Music Festival in Japan. The female singer became the center of attention as soon as she showed up because of her “weird” airport fashion.

In particular, Hyuna combined a dot sleeveless tank top with a simple black skirt and a dot cap. The whole set looked casual and simple until netizens noticed the unusual detail on her skirt.

Taking a closer look at her lower body, many were taken aback to see underwear hanging around her waist outside the skirt. Underwear is supposed to be worn inside, but Hyuna made a bold attempt to turn it into an accessory and wore it outside to decorate her airport look.

As Hyuna’s airport pictures spread in online communities, netizens commented, “OMG. This is so embarrassing”, “Does the underwear flutter in the wind? I’m curious and I think it would be so funny”, “I can’t understand her fashion”, “I noticed the detail after reading comments. I don’t understand why she wore it like that”, “Such a weird outfit”, etc.

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