
“The rhyme scheme is crazy”… A summary of the ending of “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” that netizens strongly sympathized with

The drama “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” gave viewers pleasure with its successful finish.

The last episode of ENA’s Wednesday-Thursday drama “Extraordinary Attorney Woo“, which aired on August 18th, ended safely with a perfect rhyme scheme.

The drama’s unexpected love line, sudden development and controversy over lines caused viewers’ concerns. However, in the final episode, it gave viewers satisfaction with a happy ending.

After the broadcast, hot reactions poured out on various online communities. A picture summarizing the drama “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” was uploaded, drawing sympathy from many people.

On this day’s broadcast, the main characters in the drama found their own happiness as viewers wished.

Kwon Min-woo (Joo Jong-hyuk), who colluded with Tae Soo-mi (Jin Kyung) to kick Woo Young-woo (Park Eun-bin) out of Hanbada, said, “I’m going to live like a fool from now on.” He became a “different person”.

Lee Joon-ho (Kang Tae-oh) and Woo Young-woo, who were on the verge of breaking up due to reality, reunited. Jung Myung-seok (Kang Ki-young) and his ex-wife Ji-soo (Lee Yoon-ji) created a lovey-dovey atmosphere, hinting at reconciling.

The love line between Kwon Min-woo and Choi Soo-yeon (Ha Yoon-kyung) did not end up continuing, but rather received positive responses from viewers, saying that it was not a forced development.

In particular, Woo Young-woo was recognized for her ability and became a full-time lawyer at Hanbada. Viewers were happy to see her grow as she passed the revolving door, which was difficult for her throughout the drama.

In particular, in the final episode, scenes of “rhyme scheme” were revealed one after another, further enhancing the drama’s level of completion.

In this regard, viewers were most satisfied with the scene where Woo Young-woo’s father observed in court in episode 1 while her mother observed in episode 16; the scene where only one whale appeared in Woo Young-woo’s first way to work while many whales came out after she was switched to full time; the scene where Woo Young-woo eventually passed the revolving door that she could not pass by herself in episode 1…

Netizens on the online community “theqoo” commented, “The ending was so good. I’m looking forward to season 2”, “I’m really satisfied with the last episode”, “Honestly, it seems like a well-made drama. I want to applaud today’s ending”…

Source: wikitree

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