
Recent whereabouts of the actress Shin Seung-ryeol, who collaborated with Choi Woo-sik in ‘The Witch’

Actress Shin Seung-ryeo, who starred in ‘The Witch’, used to be a Kpop idol

The actress Jung Da-eun went through child actor years and debuted as an idol, but it’s said that she had a lot of difficulties during her early debut days. However, after transitioning to an acting career, she showcased her skills in “The Witch” and has recently received high praise for her performance in a new film. Let’s find out more about her current whereabouts!

Jung Da-eun

In the movie “The Witch,” she didn’t have any notable lines, but with her emotionless gaze and chic expression, she left a strong impression, prompting the question, “Who is the actress with the long hair?” This actress is none other than Jung Da-eun, a former idol singer.

Jung Da-eun began her entertainment career by appearing in shows such as “Ppo Ppo Ppo” and “Ding Dong Kindergarten” when she was young. From a young age, she always dreamed of becoming an actress.

Jung Da-eun

Debuting in the girl group Two Eyes, which she believed would be her ticket to stardom, Jung Da-eun faced difficulties when the group failed to take off, leaving her without any income. During this time, she worked part-time jobs while continuing her music career, but struggled with vague thoughts about her future.

Jung Da-eun

It was during this time that Jung Da-eun developed an interest in acting and started to pursue it. She eventually landed a role in the movie “The Witch,” despite not having high expectations for it. The film, however, exceeded expectations and was a huge success, leading to more acting opportunities for Jung Da-eun in films like “Gongsoodo” and “Mister Temporary.”

Jung Da-eun

Most recently, Jung Da-eun received high praise for her portrayal of college student Anna in the film “Maybe We Don’t Know Each Other.” Her honest and straightforward approach to love, not hiding her feelings, has resonated with audiences, especially those in the MZ generation. Her successful character transformation from playing mostly strong characters to portraying a relatable, honest character has been impressive, and audiences are looking forward to her future projects.

Source: Daum

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