
“PD Note” To Reveal Stories Told By Burning Sun First Informant Who Was Turned Into A Sex Offender

MBC’s “PD Note” new episode will feature the appearance of Kim Sang-kyo, the first informant in the Burning Sun Scandal

At 9 p.m. on April 2nd, MBC’s “PD Note” will air its new episode titled “Burning Sun: The Story We Overlooked” dealing with the shocking Burning Sun Scandal that shook the entire Korea in 2019.

The Burning Sun Scandal refers to the case of various crimes, including sexual assaults, police collusion, etc. at the club Burning Sun in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, where former BIGBANG member Seungri served as an in-house director in 2019. Singers Seungri, Jung Joon-young, and Choi Jong-hoon were involved in the incident back then. Recently, BBC also released a documentary covering the content of this scandal in detail.

The trigger for this scandal was the assault of Kim Sang-kyo, who was 27 years old at that time (2018). After being indiscriminately assaulted by Burning Sun staff, Kim Sang-kyo reported it to 112 but the police dispatched to the scene arrested him instead. Following the assault case, various crimes including drug use, sexual assaults, prostitution, tax evasion, and police collusion at Burning Sun and other clubs in Gangnam were brought to light one after another, urging a large-scale investigation as the reputation of police had been severely damaged.

In the process, the first assault was forgotten. Kim Sang-kyo claimed that he was assaulted by a club employee while trying to protect a woman who was dragged away after visiting Burning Sun and reporting it to the police. However, when the police officers from Yeoksam District Police Station came, they arrested him as the perpetrator. Kim was later accused of more than ten charges, including obstruction of business, assault against police, obstructions of duty, defamation against both the club and the police, etc.

On “PD Note”, Kim Sang-kyo revealed his frustration, saying “The police tried to turn me into a criminal, especially a sex offender. If it had been a one-on-one situation, it would have been less unfair”. In this regard, Kim Sang-kyo was even convicted of molesting and obstructing business at Burning Sun by the Supreme Court.

On the upcoming episode, “PD Note” returns to the starting point of the Burning Sun Scandal and looks through the suspicions raised by Kim Sang-kyo. 

The first person who revealed the sexual assault involving GHB drugs at Burning Sun also appears on the broadcast. Despite her efforts to gain courage and report the incident, the perpetrator has yet to be punished even after five years.

Although Interpol had issued a red notice, the perpetrator continues to live as a successful businessman in Thailand while the victim has been suffering mentally for five years. 

“PD Note” special episode about Burning Sun will air at 9 p.m. on July 2nd.

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