
NewJeans “Perpetrators of Fabricated Obscene Photo Distribution to Face Criminal Charges”

Malicious commenters who posted defamatory content about girl group NewJeans is expected to face criminal charges

On June 28th, the agency ADOR released an official statement, saying, “We have collected comprehensive evidence from all domestic and overseas platforms through valuable fan reports and our real-time monitoring system, and we have filed complaints with an investigative agency.”

They continued, “As a result of our continual legal response, fines have been confirmed for several defendants in the existing lawsuits. Legal proceedings are ongoing against the remaining defendants. In particular, the police are investigating individuals who have committed unacceptable offenses including the dissemination and sale of fake, obscene photos of the artist. Some of the cases have resulted in criminal penalties in the first trial.”

newjeans japan

ADOR emphasized, “There will be no leniency or settlement under any circumstances in the legal proceedings regarding the artist’s rights. Given that underage members are involved, we will remain vigilant in our monitoring and evidence-collecting processes to hold authors of malicious posts accountable to the fullest extent of the law, regardless of how long it may take.”

Meanwhile, NewJeans successfully concluded “Bunnies Camp 2024 Tokyo Dome” at Tokyo Dome, Japan on June 26th and 27th. This fan meeting drew about 91,000 attendees over the two days, highlighting the group’s immense popularity.

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