
Most popular songs on Genie Music in 2021: No.1 Lim Young-woong’s My Starry Love, followed by No.2 IU’s Celebrity and No.3 BTS’s Butter

The list of songs that are loved the most by users of the music site Genie Music has been released.

On December 15th, Genie Music announced the ‘2021 Gennie Year-end Summary’ to wrap up this year.

This is a material that analyzes and revealed chart data as well as popular songs, albums among Genie users. It also discloses the songs, genres, and artists that received huge love using bid data based on individual use patterns throughout the year.

Most popular songs on Genie Music in 2021

Accordingly, the song that received the most love this year was Lim Young-woong‘s “My Starry Love”. IU‘s “Celebrity” ranked 2nd place, while BTSButter” was in 3rd place. No.4 and No.5 were gained by aespa‘s “Next Level” and Justin Bieber’s “Peaches”, respectively.

Most popular songs on Genie Music in 2021

In addition, IU’s 5th album “LILAC” was chosen as Album of the Year due to the fact that IU’s song “Celebrity” was revealed to achieve the most No.1 on Genie Chart.

Most popular songs on Genie Music in 2021

Head of Genie Music’s strategic marketing office Lee Sang-hoon said, “To wrap up this year, we prepared the 2021 Gennie Year-end Summary”, adding, “The whole music industry has been through a hard time due to the pandemic spread, I sincerely thank customers who have consistently loved Genie Music even in difficult situations.”

Most popular songs on Genie Music in 2021
Most popular songs on Genie Music in 2021
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