
Continued Filming of Variety Show Despite Chinese Female Singer in Her 50s’ Serious Injury Sparks Criticism

The popular Chinese program “The Detectives’ Adventures 4” is under fire for not stopping the shoot even after singer Na Ying fell to the ground.

On May 21st (local time), China Daily reported that the production team of ‘The Detectives’ Adventures 4’ had come under controversy for not taking any action when singer and actress Na Ying fell.

A video of the ‘The Detectives’ Adventures 4’ filming site was posted on Weibo that day. In the video, Na Ying stumbled and fell while running around aimlessly and was unable to get up for a while.

The Detectives’ Adventures 4 Na Ying

Despite Na Ying being on the ground wearing a skirt, the cast and crew around her did not take any action and continued recording. The cast members pointed a camera at Na Ying to complete their mission, saying, “We’ll take a pretty picture of you,” and the crew adjusted their positions to capture her lying down.

The video quickly went viral upon release, with the phrase “Na Ying fell” reaching the top of Weibo’s hot search rankings. Netizens reacted with comments like, “Na Ying is almost 60. She should be given some consideration,” “It hurts just to watch,” “It’s surprising that no one helped Na Ying up,” “She’s a human being before she’s a celebrity,” and “Why was the production team just sitting and watching? Reflect on your actions.”

Source: daum

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