The production team of TVing’s original program “Witch Hunt 2022” released a trailer on August 3rd, two days before the first broadcast.
In the trailer, MC Shin Dong-yeop created a hot topic with the question “When is it okay for a couple to have sex for the first time since they begin dating?”.
MC BIBI, who is well-known as an icon of the MZ Generation, drew attention when she said, “I think there can’t be an answer for all young people in their 20s, but when I talked to my friends, our answers were divided into two groups”.
BIBI shared, “Having sex right after they begin to date or having sex before dating for experience”. MC Kim Ea-na was amazed upon hearing the bold love stories of people in their 20s nowadays.
MC Code Kunst mentioned “sex first date later”, which refers to the second opinion among the two options BIBI said. He said, “A lot of my friends think the same”, adding that there are more and more “sex first date later” couples these days.
BIBI said, “This kind of relationship is called ‘Ja-man-chu’, which means ‘date after sleeping over’”, explaining another term that has the same meaning as “sex first date later”.
Meanwhile, “Witch Hunt 2022”, which will return with hotter topics, will be released on August 5th.
In this program, the viewers can find interesting corners such as information on dating concerns, consultants on whether it is a “fling” or a “green light”, solutions to the problems of people in love, and more.
Source: Insight