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New ADOR Employee Exposed for Mocking NewJeans, Hanni Wasn’t Exaggerating? 

An alleged new employee of ADOR, who likely joined after Min Hee-jin’s dismissal, were spotted mocking NewJeans on SNS. 

On September 13, screenshots from the SNS platform Blind, which requires verified company emails to register, were spread and quickly went viral. In these screenshots, message of an ADOR employee were included. 

In particular, this employee can be seen mocking NewJeans, leading to speculation that Hanni’s worries about NewJeans being ostracized are not exaggerated. 


“It’s embarrassing. The fact that that kind of live broadcast was released to the world”, one of the messages said. 

Additionally, it was pointed out that ADOR employees never used Blind before, leading to speculations that the messages were made by new employees that joined ADOR following Min Hee-jin’s dismissal. 


The person who spread the Blind messages also added, “The company was extremely pro-feminist but seeing the comment, and the manner in which it was written, shows that fake-ADOR will not protect NewJeans.”

On the other hand, NewJeans’ Hanni previously claimed that the manager of a HYBE artist told them to “ignore” Hanni when they met. Then, when she told the new ADOR CEO about this situation, she was told they couldn’t do anything because there wasn’t evidence. 

“I realized that the people who could protect us were now gone”, Hanni also added at the time. 

Source: Krb, Wikitree