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Prosecutors Appeal Yoo Ah-in’s 1-Year Prison Sentence for Drug Use

Prosecutors have appealed the verdict in the case of actor Yoo Ah-in, who was convicted of drug-related charges.

On September 4th, the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office filed an appeal seeking a harsher sentence for Yoo Ah-in, who was sentenced in the first trial to one year in prison and a 2 million KRW (approximately 1,500 USD) fine for habitual drug use, including 181 instances of propofol, illegal prescriptions for sleeping pills under another person’s name on 44 occasions, marijuana use, and attempting to destroy evidence.

The prosecution explained the reason for the appeal, stating, “Despite the seriousness of the crimes, including habitual use of various drugs such as marijuana, propofol, and zolpidem over an extended period, and instructing others to destroy evidence to obstruct justice, the sentence handed down was significantly lighter than the four-year imprisonment we had requested.”

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The Seoul Central District Court’s Criminal Division 25 (Presiding Judge Ji Gwi-yeon) had sentenced Yoo Ah-in to one year in prison and a 2 million KRW fine. The court also ordered him to complete 80 hours of drug rehabilitation education and to pay an additional 1.54 million KRW. Due to concerns about the possibility of flight, the court decided to detain Yoo Ah-in immediately following the sentencing. He was acquitted of some of the charges related to evidence tampering.

Meanwhile, Yoo Ah-in was accused of administering propofol 181 times between September 2020 and March 2023, as well as illegally purchasing sleeping pills under another person’s name from May 2021 to August 2022.

Source: Daum