kim hye soo

Former Reporters Discuss Power Trip In Showbiz & Praise Kim Hye-soo And Jo In-sung’s Personalities

On July 27th, the YouTube channel “A-Class Jang Young-ran” showed Jang Young-ran, Park Seul-gi and Ha Ji-young visiting Kim Sae-rom’s house.

Recalling the days when she was still working as a reporter, Jang Young-ran said, “I invited you guys here because we’ve all lived a hard life in this broadcasting industry”, adding “Reporters don’t have a chance to live their lives. When I have an appointment with my friends, sometimes I may have to leave right away because Hyunbin is filming a CF”.

park seul gi

Kim Sae-rom, Ha Ji-young, and Park Seul-gi also expressed frustration over power trip behaviors of some senior celebrities they met while working as reporters. Kim Sae-rom revealed that a senior entertainer mocked her in front of the audience to make them laugh, insulted her parents and even attempted to hit her after the recording. In addition, an actor even slapped Park Seul-gi’s manager as he was late for a movie shoot because of a radio live broadcast.

While making shocking revelations about power abuse in the industry, a production staff asked, “Is there any good story?”.

YouTube video

In response, Kim Sae-rom mentioned actor Jo In-sung, saying “I did an interview with him before. When the actor came in, I greeted him then he replied, ‘Hello Sae-rom’, and made a 90-degree bow. The interview was great. Just look at how the person I interviewed greeted me like that”. 

Ha Ji-young commented, “I want to say something more about Jo In-sung”, adding “I did an interview with the actor on the day he was discharged from the military. A lot of people were there and I was holding the microphone. I was like, ‘What should I ask him first?’. Jo In-sung lowered the microphone a little bit and said, ‘How have you been?’.”

Park Seul-gi then told Ha Ji-young to talk about actress Kim Hye-soo, pointing out that the two have been friends since Ha Ji-young was a reporter.

jo in sung
kim hye soo

Ha Ji-young shared, “I still remember that moment very clearly. After Kim Jong-min enlisted in 2007, it was my second interview. I didn’t know why but I was saying to myself, ‘I really want to eat homemade food’. Then suddenly, Kim Hye-soo approached me and said, ‘Come to my house’. I was so startled that I could only thank her. After finishing the interview, I realized someone was running toward me from behind. It was senior Hye-soo”, adding “She said, ‘Ji-young, you should let me know your phone number if you come to my house’, and even prepared a meal for me”.

She continued, “She even came to watch my performance. Senior Hye-soo bought two-thirds of the seats at my performances so that her acquaintances could come anytime throughout the entire month”.