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HYBE Headquarters Update: Trucks Sent in Real-Time

Fans angry with HYBE's copy-paste legal notices sent the trucks

HYBE issues legal notices every half year. After seeing the notice that came out last Friday, TXT fans, who had been holding back their frustration, sent the trucks.

HYBE has never responded promptly due to their principle of issuing notices only once every half year. However, for other matters, they do respond in real-time (though not very well), and their legal responses are inconsistent and haphazard.

There is no mention of how they dealt with the sixfold increase in individuals to be sued, what progress has been made or what results have come out.

While there has been chaos over HYBE’s lawsuits against Twitter and YouTube wreckers being dismissed or accepted, despite many reports from fans over the past 5 years, there has been no news of revealing the identities of those targeting TXT. This is not just a problem related to TXT; any HYBE artist fan can relate. In fact, all fans can likely relate.

This theqoo post became a hot topic with nearly 40,000 views as of the afternoon of July 4th. Below are some comments from Korean netizens.

– Didn’t HYBE claim they handle lawsuits well? Or not?

– Why don’t major agencies reveal lawsuit results? I’m a fan of another agency. They never tell us the results, which is frustrating.

– HYBE, do your job properly.

– Fans are likely to be exasperated since no results have been revealed.

– It was severe from the debut days. Just posting legal notices every half year? I was so angry when I saw the latest notice… Please protect the artists.