Li Kai-yin

Dancer Injured Due To LED Screen Fall At Mirror’s Concert Finally Witnesses Miracle

The shocking accident at the concert of the Hong Kong group Mirror in 2022 caused a dancer to lose his ability to move

In July 2022, a shocking accident at the concert of the group “Mirror” shook the entire Hong Kong entertainment industry. A 600-kg LED fell to the ground from the ceiling of the concert venue and injured 2 dancers. Among them, Li Kai-yin’s injury was the worst. He was diagnosed with severe head and neck injuries, brain bleeding, broken neck bones, and paralysis. After undergoing 3 surgeries, the doctors successfully saved Li Kai-yin’s life but the male dancer will never be able to dance on the stage again due to damaged nerves.

Lý Khải Ngôn

2 years after the disastrous accident, Li Kai-yin is still lying in the hospital bed receiving treatment every day with the hope of being able to control his movements again. Recently Li Kai-yin’s father tearfully shared the recent improvement in the condition of his son. Accordingly, Li Kai-yin has been able to move slightly after a recent surgery on his nerves. Li Kai-yin’s father said, “The fact that Kai-yin is still alive is already a miracle. We just witnessed another miracle recently. Our son can now move his hands and legs again after 2 years. We couldn’t help but burst out crying”.

Lý Khải Ngôn

According to the media, Li Kai-yin needs constant observation and treatments in order to recover his condition and prevent post-surgery issues. After so many surgeries, the male dancer’s health condition has weakened a lot and he easily gets infection. 

In February 2023, Li Kai-yin used an Exoskeleton to practice moving. After a year, his arm and leg muscles have shown positive reactions. Therefore, the doctors decided to conduct an operation to insert a chip into Li Kai-yin’s brain to stimulate his nerves.

Li Kai-yin

Li Kai-yin’s parents have been taking great care of their son throughout the past 2 years despite many difficulties. After the accident, Li Kai-yin has become more sensitive and pessimistic. Therefore, his family members need to be very careful in their words and actions so that Li Kai-yin won’t lose hope in himself. Li Kai-yin’s father confessed, “There were times when we felt exhausted and hopeless in the process as our son didn’t get better. Kai-yin’s mental and physical health has been severely damaged. He cried a lot seeing his parents working hard because of him. That’s why we have to learn how to take care of a person whose body has been paralyzed without causing him to lose hope”.

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Before the accident, Li Kai-yin was a talented dancer. He was one of the best choreographers in Hong Kong and used to work with many top stars. In 2018, Li Kai-yin joined a contest and entered No.55. Later, he became a backup dancer for the group Mirror with high expectations for a bright future. However, due to the unexpected accident, Li Kai-yin had to retire at such a young age and postponed his marriage with his girlfriend indefinitely.