
Tzuyang Released Video Of Gu Je-yeok Threating Her, Lawyer Said “It was so shocking”

Tzuyang and her lawyer exposed Gu Je-yeok’s threatening behavior.

On July 18th, Tzuyang opened a live broadcast on her YouTube channel under the title of “Releasing the Threatening Video.”

The live broadcast began with a video sent by YouTuber Gu Je-yeok to Tzuyang. The content of the video was that he was informed of Tzuyang’s tax evasion by an anonymous informant and that she had tax evasion in the name of her ex-boyfriend’s family.

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The lawyer explained, “Tzuyang had no intention of releasing the video. However, because Gu Je-yeok claimed that he had never threatened her, we decided to release the video to inform that we were not making a false claim.”

“I was so shocked,” the lawyer said. “I tried to persuade Tzuyang. It would be difficult to explain the situation when the damage caused by her former CEO has not been recovered at all. However, I hope you understand this situation, as Tzuyang has been brave and had a strong sense of responsibility. Please understand the situation generously and refrain from making malicious comments.”

“The rest were raided with the issuance of a warrant for Gu. I think we can wait for the results of the investigation. I hope you know that what he (Gu Je-yeok) said is not true,” he stressed.

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