
Song Hye-kyo Shows Unwavering Loyalty with “Now, We Are Breaking Up” Co-stars

Song Hye-kyo has once again shown her close relationship with co-stars from the 2021 K-drama “Now, We Are Breaking Up”.

On June 27, Song Hye-kyo shared a photo on her social media account with Choi Hee-seo, who is currently performing passionately in the play “The Cherry Orchard” (literal title). 

Along with the photo, Song Hye-kyo conveyed her support by watching the play with her fellow cast members from the 2021 SBS drama “Now, We Are Breaking Up”.

song hye kyo

The public has been touched by the genuine loyalty shown by the ‘Now, We Are Breaking Up’ members as they continue to maintain their relationships, and they have expressed their support for the cast’s strong friendship and mutual encouragement.

Meanwhile, Song Hye-kyo has chosen the movie “Black Nuns”, which is the second installment following the viral 2015 film “The Priests”, as her next project.

In the movie, Song Hye-kyo will play the role of Sister Yunia, who, with strong will and bold actions, strives to save a boy possessed by an evil spirit. This role marks a new acting transformation for Song Hye-kyo, and there is keen interest in how her acting skills and character portrayal will be received.

Source: Daum

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