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NewJeans’ Hanni Implied Support for Min Hee-jin Until the End?

On September 1, NewJeans’ Hanni made around 30 status updates on NewJeans’ exclusive fan communication app, Phoning. However, in each update, Hanni only used a series of emojis to communicate with Bunnies (fans of NewJeans) instead of words. 

So far, many fans have quickly decoded her “messages”, alleging that Hanni was consoling fans through the updates and even showing unwavering  support for Min Hee-jin. 

Below are some messages of Hanni, as decoded by fans:

– ⌛️. 🐰 + 💙💛💚💜 + 🧢 = 💫: Time will tell everything. Bunnies, NewJeans, and Min Hee-jin will triumph. (sandglass, bunny, 5 hearts, blue cap, cycle emojis)

– 🐰🤲💗➡️💙💛💜💚🧢: Bunnies always send love to NewJeans and Min Heejin. (bunny, hands put together, heart, right pointing sign, 5 hearts, blue cap emojis)

– 🌪️☁️⛅️🌤️☀️🌈: Every storm passes, and brighter days will come. (tornado, cloud, partly club and sun, sun, rainbow emojis)

– 🌈⏰ | 💙💛💚💜🧢 🤲♾️💗➡️🐰♾️💗♾️♾️🌈: It’s best to wait. NewJeans and Min Heejin will forever love Bunnies. (rainbow, clock, 5 hearts, blue cap, hands put together, infinity, heart, right pointing sign, bunny, infinity, heart, infinity, hug, infinity, rainbow emojis)

According to the interpretation, it is likely that the sandglass and clock represent time, the rainbow represents good results, the blue cap represents Min Hee-jin, the 5 hearts represent 5 NewJeans members, and the bunny represent NewJeans’ fandom. The heart and infinity symbols are believed to mean infinite love that NewJeans and fans have to each other. 

Of course, there’s no way to confirm Hannis’ actual messages. Whether Hanni is implying NewJeans’ continued support for Min Hee-jin remains to be verified. 

Source: K Crush, X