
NewJeans 2nd Debut Anniversary “Feel Like a Dream + Will Continue Trying Diverse and New Challenges”

Girl group NewJeans celebrated their 2nd debut anniversary

NewJeans debuted on July 22nd, 2022 and has since released numerous hit songs such as “Attention”, “Hype Boy”, “Ditto”, “ETA”, “OMG”, “How Sweet” and “Supernatural”. Recently, they have also successfully debuted in Japan and continue to grow.


As they mark their 2nd debut anniversary, NewJeans shared their thoughts and experiences in an interview.

– How do you feel about the 2nd debut anniversary?

▶ (Minji) The past two years have flown by. Just as we get used to the stage, new challenges always await. I believe we can overcome anything as long as we’re together.

▶ (Hanni) Over the past two years, my passion and enjoyment for this work have deepened.

▶ (Danielle) These two years have felt like a dream. I am grateful to our Bunnies (fandom name) for creating precious memories. I will cherish every moment more.

▶ (Haerin) Many memories from the past two years come to mind. I am thankful to share these moments with loved ones and happy to have our Bunnies by our side.

▶ (Hyein) I feel like we’ve just started. There’s still so much I want to do and show to those who love and support us.

– What has changed the most since your debut?

▶ (Minji) I’ve learned to think more maturely. I focus on growing steadily.

▶ (Hanni) I’ve gained a better understanding of how to improve through various experiences. Spending more time with the members has deepened our bond.

▶ (Danielle) Internally, not much has changed, but I have grown in many aspects through experience and practice. My understanding of the members has also grown.

▶ (Haerin) A new living space. I’m grateful for a warm and comfortable place to stay. Other than that, not much has changed; we continue to do our best together.

▶ (Hyein) I am adapting to the environment and getting closer to those around me, discovering more about myself.

– What is the most memorable moment from NewJeans’ activities over the past two years?

▶ (Minji) The Tokyo Dome fan meeting is particularly memorable. It felt like a dream spending time with our Bunnies who love music.

▶ (Hanni) There are so many, but the recent Tokyo Dome fan meeting stands out. I also remember the process of practicing and preparing.

▶ (Danielle) It’s hard to choose, but the recent Tokyo Dome fan meeting comes to mind first. It was a dream-like time, and although I was nervous, seeing our Bunnies made all the fear disappear.

▶ (Haerin) There are many memorable moments, but the recent Tokyo Dome stage stands out, with all the lightsticks and shining eyes.

▶ (Hyein) I’ll never forget our first debut stage, and the recent Tokyo Dome stage is very memorable.

– What do you think makes NewJeans special?

▶ (Minji) I think NewJeans is special because we are ourselves. We enjoy the moment while taking on various challenges.

▶ (Hanni) We work hard to present good songs, performances and content. I believe those who enjoy our music will find us.

▶ (Danielle) Rather than being special or different, we genuinely love music and want to share that love with our Bunnies.

▶ (Haerin) Our focus and dedication to our work. I think our enjoyment of the stage comes through clearly.

▶ (Hyein) Instead of sticking to one concept or style, we always strive to try new things in various ways.

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