
NCT’s Renjun “Revealing sasaeng fan’s number, innocent person suffered damage”

NCT DREAM's Renjun recently expressed his distress over persistent calls from sasaeng fans, but it has come to light that a third party suffered damage due to his misunderstanding

On June 20th, Renjun wrote on the communication platform Bubble “Stop calling. I’m going to reveal this person’s number“, along with a screenshot showing a specific phone number.

Later that evening, a person claiming to be the owner of the revealed number came forward. They explained that they had mistakenly called Renjun’s number, thinking it belonged to a friend. Because Renjun posted the number on Bubble, they received a flood of abusive messages from Renjun’s fans. The person shared on X (formerly Twitter), “After seeing the messages, I wondered if I had accidentally called an idol. When I searched, I found out that Renjun had posted my number on Bubble and was claiming I was a sasaeng fan.”

The person continued, “I went to change my phone number immediately. At the phone store, they suggested I should go to the police, so I went there instead without changing my number. The investigator asked if I had been persistently calling, and I explained it was just a one-time mistake. I am not a sasaeng fan.

The person said they eventually got in touch with Renjun’s manager. They added, “After the investigator left a message for Renjun, the manager contacted me and apologized on Renjun’s behalf, promising to prevent further number exposure. However, they also suggested I might still be a sasaeng fan.”

The person concluded, “I admit I made a mistake by calling the wrong number, but was it right to publicly reveal an unverified phone number? I demand a proper explanation from SM Entertainment.”

Following the incident, the problematic post on Bubble was reportedly deleted.

Ten Asia
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