
Min Hee-jin’s Side Explains Suspicions Of Covering Up Sexual Harassment

ADOR’s legal representative explained the allegation of CEO Min Hee-jin trying to cover up a sexual harassment case in the company

On July 29th, CEO Min Hee-jin’s legal representative, the law firm Sejong, released an official position, saying “The mentioned sexual harassment case had already been concluded as ‘not guilty’ by HYBE Personnel Committee on March 16th. In a situation where HYBE directly handles matters related to legal issues, personnel and public relations, it is not only incomprehensible but also unfair to raise the issue again and suddenly make a different interpretation to attack CEO Min Hee-jin”.

They explained, “The mentioned gathering, which involved the employee in the issue, was arranged to understand the work after the appointment on February 1st. That employee also agreed to attend. The gathering was wrapped up without any problem”.

min hee jin

ADOR’s legal representative also refuted the allegation that CEO Min Hee-jin tried to cover up the case by siding with a male executive presumed to have been the perpetrator of the sexual harassment incident. According to the content of the conversation disclosed earlier by Dispatch, CEO Min Hee-jin used harsh expressions to criticize the female victim.

The law firm refuted it, saying “CEO Min Hee-jin listened to both sides’ opinions with an unbiased attitude, tried to mediate the conflict, and faithfully played the role of preventing similar issues from occurring again in the future through caution and warning. In the meantime, she also made proposals to HYBE to demand a better system operation, such as improving HR procedures and increasing transparency”.

They emphasized, “Disclosing private conversations is an act of personal attack and has nothing to do with the essence of the issue. In addition, it is clearly illegal to disclose private conversations to a third party”.

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