
Lee Hyori on Marrying Lee Sang-soon: “I Chose a Gentle Man Unlike My Father”

Lee Hyori opened up about her family history, evoking sympathy from viewers.

On the first episode of JTBC’s entertainment show “Mom, Shall We Go on a Trip Together?”, which aired on May 26, Lee Hyori and her mother traveled to Gyeongju.

During the episode, Lee Hyori discussed her parents’ past romance, asking, “Wasn’t Dad’s personality fiery back then?” Her mother replied, “I didn’t know at the time. We exchanged letters a few times and got married immediately. We got married without even holding hands once.”

lee hyori

Later, when her mother lamented, “If I had lived peacefully with your dad, you would have grown up much more peacefully. I couldn’t give you the love you needed because I couldn’t get that from your dad. He was so different when we met, like a complete 180. He didn’t give me any space,” Lee Hyori sympathized, saying, “Dad is like that because he didn’t receive love when he was young.”

When her mother commented that she looked happy eating well outside, even though she barely eats at home, Lee Hyori responded that it might be because she feels uncomfortable at home. She added, “When I’m with Mom and Dad together, I feel a bit tense. I worry about what might happen because things always happen. They’re fine separately but not together.”

Her mother apologized, saying, “I’m sorry for that, as a mother.” Lee Hyori replied, “What do you have to apologize for? Dad always starts things,” and added, “That’s why I chose a gentle person as my husband. Someone who would never fight with me because I hate fighting so much,” evoking sympathy from viewers.

Lee Hyori married guitarist Lee Sang-soon in September 2013 in Jeju Island.

Source: daum

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