Korean Fans React To Fubao’s Whereabouts 2 Months After Returning To China

The appearance of giant panda Fubao two months after returning to China is arousing keen attention from Korean netizens

On June 12th, the YouTube channel of SBS News uploaded a video showing Fubao after being released to an outdoor enclosure two months after returning to China in April. 

At 9:39 a.m. on the same day, Fubao appeared at an outdoor site at Pandawon Giant Flying Base in Sichuan, China. The event was aired live via media outlets in China and other countries, drawing attention.

In the video, Fubao walked around the enclosure smelling this and that. Later, she ate bamboo on the bench, showing a stormy mukbang. Despite being watched by a huge crowd, she comfortably enjoyed lying and playing around. Korean reporters greeted Fubao in Korean, saying “Hello Fubao?”, “How have you been, Fubao?”, etc. but Fubao didn’t react because she was busy eating bamboo. 

Xiangxiang, a giant panda that returned to China from Japan, still reacted to Japanese tourists greeting him in Japanese even when eating, but ‘eating fairy’ Fubao continued to focus on her own food.

In response to the video, netizens commented, “Seems like she got shy upon knowing what the reporters wanted her to do”, “I think she only remembers the voice of zookeeper Kang”, “I guess they tried to do it like Xiangxiang”, “Fubao did a great job ignoring them”, etc.

However, others reacted, “She might have missed Korean a lot”, “It hasn’t been long since Fubao did not hear Korean”, “Our smart Fu princess eats so well”, “I guess Fubao got startled. She just wanted them to be quiet”, “She could only recognize the voice of the zookeepers”, etc.

Earlier, photos of Fubao in China with weight and hair losses raised suspicions of abuse. In this regard, Fubao’s caretaker explained the situation in a meeting with Korean specialists, saying “Fubao was so well-loved in Korea so we tried to provide a good environment for her with an artificial and a cave for her to climb”.

Explaining Fubao’s hair loss, the caretaker said, “It was not because of infection. It happened because Fubao likes to rub herself against walls and railings so her fur has naturally provided oil. Washing her too frequently may actually cause other diseases”, adding “The spot on her head appeared while she was adapting to the cage. We already dedicated a team with two caretakers, two veterans, and one nutritionist to take care of Fubao 24 hours a day”.

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