
Kim Hye-yoon reveals Im Sol’s wedding shots “I hope you find more happiness in the future, as much as the tears you’ve shed”

Actress Kim Hye-yoon shared her thoughts on bidding farewell to her character Im Sol

On June 3rd, behind-the-scenes photos from tvN’s drama “Lovely Runner” were posted on Kim Hye-yoon’s personal channel. 

Kim Hye-yoon, who played Im Sol in the recently concluded “Lovely Runner”, wrote, “I was so happy and grateful to have lived a part of my life as Im Sol. Sol, I hope you find more happiness in the future, as much as the tears you’ve shed. I learned a lot from you and was happy because of you. I hope you always smile and only good things happen to you wherever you are.

kim hye yoon

Kim Hye-yoon concluded with, “Thank you, everyone, for loving ‘Lovely Runner’ and Im Sol.”

The released photos show Kim Hye-yoon in a wedding dress, capturing attention. Her lovely smile, embodying Im Sol, leaves a lasting impression.

Meanwhile, Kim Hye-yoon will appear on MBC Radio’s “Lee Seok-hoon’s Brunch Café” on June 4th.

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