
Kara’s Park Gyu-ri Faces Severe Malicious Comments & Rumors After Face Surgery

Fans are worried about Kara’s Park Gyu-ri as she is facing malicious comments even after undergoing surgery for face injuries

Park Gyu-ri recently suffered a cheekbone fracture and an orbital fracture while carrying out her personal schedule and had to undergo surgery. Therefore, she will not be able to participate in the promotion of Kara’s upcoming comeback. While receiving treatment before surgery, Park Gyu-ri went online to communicate with netizens.

The night before her surgery, Park Gyu-ri said, “I’m having surgery tomorrow. I want to lean on my people. Please pray for me”. After the surgery, she updated her condition, saying “The surgery went well. Don’t worry too much, my people. I will focus on the recovery and come back as soon as possible with a healthy mind and body”.

park gyu ri

Upon knowing about Park Gyu-ri’s injuries, fans expressed concerns and regrets that she couldn’t participate in the comeback. However, some netizens in online communities and social media are making malicious comments and speculations about the reasons behind her injuries.

Some malicious commenters suspect that Park Gyu-ri’s face injuries were due to dating violence or plastic surgery. Along with numerous groundless assumptions, they are pouring comments disparaging and insulting the female singer. In addition, many even distort Park Gyu-ri’s intention to communicate with fans while enduring the pain from the surgery as an attempt to gain attention.

Park Gyu-ri is known as a bold person who has never hesitated to criticize malicious commenters targeting her. Having been a victim of haters for various reasons throughout her long career, Park Gyu-ri has continued doing activities with sincerity and courage. Even the public is frustrated to see thoughtless and indiscriminate behaviors of haters who even attack an injured person.

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