
Goo Je-yeok Apologized To Assaulted YouTuber Tzuyang, “I’ll Return Money I Received From Her Agency”

YouTuber Goo Je-yeok explained the allegation of threatening Tzuyang to extort money and delivered an apology

On July 12th, Goo Je-yeok released a new video on his YouTube channel, saying “I want to apologize to Tzuyang. Around February last year, I received an anonymous report about Tzuyang from a person believed to be her former agency CEO”.

He explained, “It was a negative report about Tzuyang’s past with specific evidence, so I informed Tzuyang’s agency to verify the facts. I also found out that she was being threatened by someone believed to be her former agency CEO”, adding “Unfortunately, the fact that it was an anonymous report and we couldn’t specify the identity of the informant, I could not file a complaint against the CEO. As a result, Tzuyang’s agency asked me to find out the identity of the informant and to prevent the information from being disclosed to the public”.

In addition, he said, “The CEO had already sent the anonymous report to dozens of YouTubers aside from me. To identify the informant, I contacted those YouTubers and gathered the information they got then sent it to Tzuyang’s agency. The controversial conversation was recorded while I was trying to build relationships with the YouTubers who don’t like Tzuyang to obtain information from them. I already delivered all the information about the informant I obtained during this process to Tzuyang’s agency”.

However, Goo Je-yeok said, “At that time, the report had already spread widely, and to prevent the YouTubers from making videos about it, I had no choice but to give donations to stop them from exposing information about Tzuyang”.


He continued, “In my foolish judgment at that time, I thought the only way to stop the YouTubers from making videos about Tzuyang was to donate to them. That’s why I used my own money to pay for the donation. However, the number of YouTubers asking for donations in exchange for not making videos increased, making it difficult for me to handle it myself. I then asked Tzuyang’s agency to support me. If I had thought about it more deeply, I believe that I could have come up with better ways to prevent the production of videos without paying donations”.

He added, “However, I couldn’t think of any other method in such an urgent situation and ended up choosing the silly way to stop the YouTubers from making videos using money. I would like to deeply apologize to Tzuyang for my mistake”.

Lastly, Goo Je-yeok said, “In the cast of the donations, I received money to protect Tzuyang’s past from being exposed, but I failed to complete my mission properly. Therefore, I will return the full amount of money I received from Tzuyang’s agency as soon as possible”, adding “Once again, I deeply apologize for not being able to protect Tzuyang and for giving donations to YouTubers to prevent the making of videos about her. I promise to return the service expenses as soon as possible”

In response Goo Je-yeok’s apology and explanation, netizens still poured criticism, saying “If the story is true, I want you to disclose the identities of all the YouTubers who asked for donations. Tell the prosecution who those YouTubers are”, “You threatened her and received money. Do you think you’re not guilty at all after returning the money?”, “I guess you’re just trying to reduce your sentence”, “Just comply with the investigation by the prosecution and go to jail”, “Stop making excuses like a coward and just receive legal punishment”, etc.

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