
Goo Hye-sun Explains Misunderstandings Surrounding Her Remarks About Having No Friends

Actress-director Goo Hye-sun cleared misunderstandings about her remarks on “Oh Eun-young’s Counseling Center”

Earlier on May 30th, Goo Hye-sun guested on Channel A’s “Oh Eun-young’s Counseling Center”. When asked if she had any friends to share her sadness with, the actress said, “No one”. She added, “I don’t like hanging out in groups, so I tend to have one-on-one relationships. I don’t feel comfortable talking to my friends when I’m sad or have a hard time. Others lean on their friends when they suffer a hard time, but I tend to endure it myself. My standards for dating are not high, but for friends, they’re very high”.

However, Goo Hye-sun suddenly released an explanation for her confession on the program through a post on Instagram on June 7th.

The actress said, “When I said I didn’t have friends on the broadcast, I mean made friends with only a few people and I’m deeply involved in those relationships so I don’t share my sadness with them because it would only double the sadness. However, my remark was misunderstood as ‘having no friends to share my sadness with’ and later turned into ‘having no friends at all’. Therefore, I’m posting this, with my friends’ permission, to clarify misunderstandings and to prove that I do have friends”.

Goo Hye-sun added a screenshot of her chat conversation with her real friends in a group chat. The picture shows Goo Hye-sun’s friends teasing her for replying to messages after two weeks. In particular, a friend of Goo Hye-sun exclaimed, “Legendary reply. A reply after 2 weeks. From which universe did you send these messages?”. Another friend said, “The most annoying thing is that you will read these messages a week later.”

In this regard, Goo Hye-sun said, “There are some sisters who often tease me. Although I prefer one-on-one relationships, ironically, I participate in a group chat with them. Although I can’t reply actively (INTJ)”.

In response, fans commented, “We understand you. Just ignore anti-fans”, “I hope you don’t pay too much attention to those malicious comments. People who know you will understand you even when you don’t prove it”, “There’s no need to prove everything you say. People who try to twist your words will always misunderstand you no matter what, so just ignore them and live happily with people who care about you”, etc.

Meanwhile, Goo Hye-sun married actor Ahn Jae-hyun in 2016 but they divorced in 2020. She entered the Department of Imaging at Sungkyunkwan University in 2021 and just graduated in February as the top student.

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