
Geffen Records Apologized for “Mocking” BTS’s Jimin, But Fans Remain Angry

The apology of Geffen Records after one of their high-ranking executives mocked BTS’s Jimin was not accepted by fans. 

Previously on June 23, the key words “GEFFEN APOLOGIZE TO JIMIN” started to trend on SNS platform X (formerly Twitter) as various BTS fans expressed anger at Geffen Records, the company in charge of promoting BTS in the US.

jimin bts

At the time, Ray Kurzeka, a high-ranking official of Geffen Records, was known to have replied mockingly to a fan asking for Geffen Records to promote BTS’s Jimin properly. Instead of addressing the matter professionally, Ray Kurzeka deactivated his SNS profile and completely ignored fans’ outrage.


It wasn’t until June 28, also a week later, did Geffen Records finally release an official statement regarding the aforementioned controversy.

However, the agency simply stated that the mocking reply was “made by mistake”, before asking for fans to “refrain from any personal attacks”. They also insisted that the release of Jimin’s 2nd solo album, “Muse”, will “proceed as planned without any impact”. 

As this statement came way too late and never addressed the poor promotion for Jimin’s upcoming release, fans remain angry, believing that Ray Kurzela did not make a mistake as claimed, and emphasizing that he never issued a public apology. 

“Please promote Jimin properly, we are asking for the bare minimum”, “This was no mistake. It was intentional”, and “”Do your job, respect Jimin, and promote Jimin” – comments like these can still be seen flooding Geffen’s statement and all over the net. 

Source: Krb, X

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