
G-Dragon Discussed New Album & BIGBANG in New Interview with Elle Magazine 

In a recent interview with fashion magazine Elle, G-Dragon mentioned his new album and his interactions with BIGBANG. 

On June 25, fashion magazine Elle published the full interview it had with G-Dragon, where the male idol revealed various tidbits about himself and upcoming future plans. 

In particular, G-Dragon mentions his perspective regarding creating, saying, “Whenever I do something, I have a desire to challenge something new and unfamiliar rather than something old-fashioned, both as a creator and as a human being. The fields are also diverse. Music is my specialty, but other than that, I believe in being willing to borrow the expertise of others. When you do that, not only does the level itself increase, but people also seem to accept the results more easily.” 

Then, when asked what he’d like to receive in a gift box from the sky, G-Dragon answered “the finished album” without hesitation, revealing that he never gave up on album work despite various rumors and speculations.

Regarding the process of his new album, G-Dragon said, “If last year I could give an answer that was more of an exclamation mark when it came to working on the album, now it’s more of a question mark. It went from ‘I can do it! I can do it!’ to ‘Jiyong, can you do it?’ I feel like right now it’s definitely an uphill climb, but the important thing is that ‘the path always works’.”

Afterwards, G-Dragon talks about his group, BIGBANG, saying, “Our members? Ah, now there are three of us”, adding, “We don’t talk about the current scene among ourselves. Of course, we talk about topics that sound natural or are at the center of the topic.”

Finally, G-Dragon mentioned that he likes the songs that he is working on. 

Source: Elle

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