Face Of Legendary ‘Insurance Serial Killer’ Who Made Her Own Brother Blind Was Revealed For The First Time In 19 Years

Eom In-sook’s shocking crime will be revealed in a new crime show.

The first and second parts of the crime series “She Killed” showed an interview of mr. Eom, the brother and victim of Eom In-sook. Eom testified for the first time about the nightmarish day he had to endure 19 years ago.

Eom In-sook, a former insurance planner, planned to kill her husband, brother, and even her mother to get insurance money. She also committed brutal crimes that led to their death or blindness. Eom In-sook’s personal information was not disclosed at the time the crime was investigated and her face was finally revealed for the first time in 19 years through the trailer for “She Killed.”

One of the victims of the shocking incident was Eom In-sook’s own brother. Eom In-sook put chemicals into her brother’s eyes, making him blind in both eyes. Mr. Eom revealed, “I still can’t talk to people. I wish I hadn’t known her,” and found it hard to accept that his sister was the one who committed the crime against him. “For some reason, my sister asked me to have a drink, so I had a drink with her, but I didn’t remember anything from then on,” he said, recalling the day when the crime took place. He testified that Eom In-sook later visited him in the hospital and tried to kill him again.

Meanwhile, Eom In-sook has been serving a life sentence in prison since 2005. At that time, detective Oh In-geun of the Gangnam Police Station also disclosed the contents of a letter in prison that he received from Eom In-sook, which said, “I don’t think I feel guilty.” Eom In-sook’s bizarre behavior as a serial killer with a strong psychopathic tendency made even her mother and brother say, “She should not come out to society.”

The first and second parts of the crime series “She Killed” will be pre-released exclusively on U+ Mobile TV at midnight on May 10 and 11. It will air on MBC at 10:50 p.m. on May 16 (KST).

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