EXID’s Hani Faces Malicious Comments Right Before Wedding, “Don’t Marry A ‘Show’ Doctor”

Ahead of her wedding with psychiatrist Yang Jae-woong, EXID’s Hani suddenly suffered severe malicious comments

Since July 28th, Hani’s SNS account has been receiving a lot of malicious comments from netizens criticizing her marriage with Yang Jae-woong. Many expressed concerns, saying “Please be careful of marrying a ‘show’ doctor who appears on broadcasts”, “Can you not marry him?”, “Please consider your decision to marry him again”, “You’d better not marry that guy”, etc. Of course, many are also leaving malicious comments on Yang Jae-woong’s SNS account.

It is because of the recent incident that patient A died at a mental hospital in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do reported by SBS earlier on the 26th.

According to the report, the female patient, who visited the hospital to treat her addiction to diet pills containing narcotics, died 17 days after being hospitalized. The cause of death was estimated to be intestinal pseudo-obstruction.

The CCTV footage showed A knocking on the door and complaining of pain in her stomach. However, a nurse and a doctor gave her medicine and restrained her to bed. Later, after finding out that A already lost consciousness, medical staff quickly performed CPR but the patient eventually passed away. The bereaved family then sued the hospital for their ignorance and filed a complaint with the National Human Rights Commission of Korea. 

According to SBS’s report, the mental hospital is known to be run by a psychiatrist who became famous after appearing on several broadcasts. Therefore, netizens suspected that it was Yang Jae-woong, Hani’s groom-to-be, and poured criticism on the couple. 

Meanwhile, Hani started dating Yang Jae-woong publicly in June 2022 and they’re planning to get married this September.

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