
Byun Woo-seok’s excessive security controversy reaches National Assembly + Incheon Airport President “This is the first time such an incident has occurred”

The Incheon Airport Corporation announced plans to address the issue of excessive security for celebrities

On July 17th, during a full meeting of the National Assembly’s Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee, Incheon International Airport Corporation President Lee Hak-jae responded to questions from Democratic Party lawmaker Jeon Yong-gi regarding the controversy over actor Byun Woo-seok’s security guards.

byun woo seok

Jeon Yong-gi asked, “Who is responsible? What was lacking at Incheon Airport?

President Lee Hak-jae responded, “This is the first time something like this has happened since Incheon Airport was established. It can be seen that we did not foresee this adequately and failed to prepare comprehensive measures. Hundreds of celebrities travel through the airport annually, but there have been no cases of excessive security by private firms like this. We will take this incident as an opportunity to come up with measures in cooperation with the police.”

byun woo seok

Jeon Yong-gi remarked “There’s no way the corporation can avoid criticism for poor management. The airport is a critical security facility, and it requires special protection and management for national security and public safety. The occurrence of such an incident is a serious issue” and asked, “Was there no consultation before the security arrangements were made?

Lee Hak-jae replied, “There was no consultation with us. Normally, security is coordinated between private security firms and the police, who grant approval. The corporation is then notified by the police. When such incidents occur, we must respond proactively on the spot, but currently, private security firms handle close protection, and we ensure the safety of civilians from a distance.”

byun woo seok-airport

Regarding the gate control by the security firm, President Lee stated, “An unacceptable situation occurred.” Jeon Yong-gi criticized, “Gate control happens where all employees are present. If the gates are being blocked and people are being hindered, the staff should have taken appropriate control measures. The corporation cannot be without responsibility.”

Lee Hak-jae acknowledged, “They controlled the gate without permission, which is clearly wrong, and we will hold them accountable and ensure this doesn’t happen again.

He also stated, “Even though hundreds of celebrities pass through the airport, no private security firm has ever acted as improperly as this. Therefore, we didn’t foresee it. We will use this incident as an opportunity to develop measures. We will create rules of conduct for private security firms within the airport in cooperation with the police and seek ways to strengthen penalties.”

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