
Billie Eilish Appears On “You Quiz”, “I Know Yoo Jae-suk Is A Big Name”

Pop star Billie Eilish expressed her sincere feelings after completing the filming for “You Quiz on the Block”

tvN’s entertainment program “You Quiz on the Block” (“You Quiz”) broadcast on June 26th featured the guest appearance of world star Billie Eilish, the first musician born in the 21st century to place No.1 on Billboard.

Showing up on “You Quiz”, Billie Eilish said, “I really wanted to come here. I already came to Korea, how could I not join ‘You Quiz’?”, adding “Although I’m staying in Korea only for a day, I’m so happy to be able to stand on this small stage”.

Billie Eilish You Quiz Yoo Jae-suk

Jo Se-ho introduced Yoo Jae-suk as “Korean Jimmy Fallon”, and Billie Eilish replied, “I know. He’s a big name”. Jo Se-ho then asked the female singer if she remembered BTS’s RM and J-Hope coming to watch her concert in Korea back in 2022 in the front row, Billie Eilish confessed, “It was such an honor for me that they came. They’re such wonderful people. I like them”.

Regarding her reaction to BLACKPINK’s Jennie hosting her listening session, Billie Eilish said, “Everyone enjoyed it. It was an honor for me, too. Jennie is indeed a talented and outstanding person. I’m honored to have Jennie interview me”, adding “I don’t have many friends in Korea. So I feel great to have a friend like her”. When asked if she keeps in touch with Jennie often, the female singer smiled and said, “We’re still in touch. I love Jennie so much”.

The MCs then asked Billie Eilish about when she won five awards at the 2020 Grammy Awards. Revealing that she said to herself that “Please don’t let it be me” before her name was called out, Billie Eilish shared, “Like anyone else, I also doubted whether I deserved it. I was already amazed to be nominated. Everyone thinks they don’t deserve great things, but deep down inside your heart, you want it but you still believe that it belongs to someone else. That moment was like that. It was a thrilling yet amazing experience”.

In addition, the younger singer explained how she fills her days with small joys such as having a nice meal, riding her bike, swimming in the pool, or jumping on the trampoline on a sunny spring day that’s not too hot. 

When asked about how she think she will be 10 years later, Billie Eilish said, “Being able to live like this is already a gift to me. Of course, there are things I want to achieve, but if I set a goal and force myself to do it no matter what, it’s hard to change my mind. However, I believe that we should be able to do whatever we want and be whoever we are, to change our minds and do something different when we want to. We shouldn’t trap ourselves in our current life. Even if you make a small change, life still changes somehow”.

Lastly, Billie Eilish expressed her feelings about “You Quiz” recording, saying “I had so much fun”. She added, “But why is the chair so small?”, drawing laughter.

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