
Bang Yedam and Lee Seo-han Both Apologized for Illegal Filming Suspicions

Amid allegations that actor Lee Seo-han illegally filmed a video in singer Bang Yedam's studio, official apologies have been released. 

On May 2, rookie actor Lee Seo-han sparked controversy by posting a video with a sticker saying “Breaking News”, igniting a firestorm of controversy over “illegal filming”.

The video, showing the blurred figures of two people, seemed to have been illegally filmed judging by the shaky camera angles and audio, causing a stir.

Amid criticisms, Lee Seo-han defended himself twice. Initially, he explained, “It was just a joke among male friends,” and asked people to not speculate, but suspicions only grew.

lee seo han-bang ye dam

Then, on the morning of May 3, the actor explained, “Some friends who are close to me (including Bang Yedam) had some drinks in his studio. After midnight, a friend and Bang, who were drunk, went to his house,” stating, “During the process of having one more drink with the rest of us, we uploaded a staged situation video, which is commonly done these days, to a private account. It’s not illegal filming or anything like that”.

Bang Yedam also bowed his head in response to the video filmed in his studio becoming a problem. He apologized, saying, “I’m really sorry for causing concern.”

Lee Seo-han also expressed his sincere apologies, stating, “As someone aspiring to be an actor, I sincerely apologize for causing controversy due to my immature behavior,” and “I apologize sincerely to all those who were uncomfortable because of the video and to my fans who cherish me, and I will act more carefully in the future.”

Source: Nate

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