
Asking Female Idol to Debut as Porn Actress? YouTube Show Fall Under Fire 

A popular YouTube show is receiving heavy criticisms for asking a female idol to debut as an actress in the sex industry.

A scene from the June 19 episode of the popular web variety show “No Back Tak” recently became a topic of controversy.

On this day, Japanese AV actress (porn actress) Yuna Ogura appeared as a guest and can be seen evaluating a member of the Korean girl group Cignature, Jiwon. During this evaluation, Ogura commented, “Please debut,” basically implying that the female idol should make her debut as a porn actress.

Yuna Ogura

This exchange has sparked a variety of reactions. While some netizens argue that it was just the guest being “overly uncomfortable,” the majority criticize it as an “inappropriate joke within Korean culture.”

Yuna Ogura

The more significant issue is that this problematic conversation was edited as the highlight of the episode and placed at the beginning of the video. This implies that no one in the production team found it problematic before its release.

Source: Nate

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