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April’s Staff Speak Out “Bullying Incident? The Victim Became the Perpetrator”

Someone had to put an end to this truth game

One side claimed they were bullied and harassed, while the other denied it entirely. Three years passed with this unresolved conflict, but the public labeled one side as the “perpetrator”.

Recently, well-known YouTuber KwakTube (Kwak Joon-bin) faced backlash after featuring former April member-actress Lee Na-eun in his travel content. Many accused Lee Na-eun of being the “ringleader of bullying” against former April member Lee Hyun-joo, and KwakTube was criticized for allegedly “forgiving” her as someone who had claimed to have experienced bullying himself.

Kwak Tube-lee na eun-1 091724

As a result, KwakTube lost subscribers, had events canceled and fell from being viewed positively to negatively. Meanwhile, Lee Na-eun became a target of intense media and public scrutiny, once again facing the “chewing and tearing apart” that began in 2021.

When dealing with emotional conflicts and incidents lacking concrete evidence, the eyes and testimonies of those who witnessed the events become crucial. Sports Kyunghyang spoke with five individuals who worked closely with April from their debut to disbandment. Was there bullying and harassment in the group?

The bullying claims are forced, I don’t think there was a perpetrator or a victim.” (Former agency official A)

The claim that Lee Na-eun was the ringleader of bullying is a witch hunt, and this incident only created unjustly accused individuals.” (Former manager B)

It wasn’t five people bullying one; it was one person making life hard for five others.” (Hairstylist C)

It wasn’t bullying; everyone was too afraid of what might happen to even touch her.” (Hairstylist D)

Bullying? Harassment? Smoke rose from a fire that never existed.” (Former agency official E)

A, a former agency official who observed April since their trainee days, stated, “There might have been mutual distress, but no one was being bullied one-sidedly. I don’t think there was a clear perpetrator or victim.”

A added, “The group consisted of teenagers. Just like how not all 30 kids in a classroom can become friends, idol groups are no different. Not everyone will get along. April members got close, drifted apart, then got close again. Is that really so strange?

B, a former manager who knew the members’ every move, expressed a similar sentiment, “Watching the controversy unfold, it felt like a witch hunt. None of them deserved this level of criticism.

ex-service April

B added, “People say the company’s response was inadequate, but at the time, everyone at the agency was taken aback. We didn’t consider things like shoes, tumblers or kimbap as evidence of bullying, nor did we think it was worth addressing. The members didn’t do anything wrong, so we thought time would resolve things. Yet, people still choose to believe what they want. The court even issued a decision that there was no bullying, but the public ignored it. I doubt this interview will change anything.”

■ Has the Roles of Victim and Perpetrator Switched?

Those interviewed acknowledged there could have been discord within the group, but they claimed the source of conflict was Lee Hyun-joo, who portrayed herself as the victim. They argued that the other members seemed to be the real victims. They described Lee Hyun-joo as being uncooperative with group activities, leaving the dorm voluntarily, using her personal phone, skipping practices and missing schedules—actions that caused strain on the group’s image and left both members and staff struggling.

C and D, hairstylists who worked with April since their trainee days, shared similar experiences, “We met them every morning and accompanied them to their schedules. From what we saw, the roles of victim and perpetrator were reversed. It wasn’t five people bullying one; it was one person making life difficult for five.


C explained, “When Lee Hyun-joo’s younger brother made his accusations in 2021, I couldn’t help but scoff. Usually, when something like this happens, you’d think, ‘Wow, they must’ve been going through a hard time.’ But after watching this unfold, I didn’t feel that way. From much earlier on, I thought, ‘If she couldn’t handle group life, she shouldn’t have become an idol. Why does she keep dragging everyone else down while trying to be in the spotlight?’

D added, “Even back then, no one wanted to touch Hyun-joo. Despite being a rookie, she disappeared twice during music show performances, was consistently late or didn’t show up at all. Everyone was walking on eggshells around her, afraid of what might happen next. How could they have bullied her? Everyone was struggling but tried to keep the group together.”

E, another former agency official who worked with the group from their trainee days to their disbandment, criticized Hyun-joo’s attitude, “She never appeared to work hard as an artist. She was the member who needed the most practice, yet put in the least effort.”

E continued, “There are always power struggles and competition for screen time in the entertainment industry, but Hyun-joo seemed to crave attention and, when things didn’t go her way, caused problems that ruined the lives of the other members. If someone had stepped in and held her accountable earlier, it wouldn’t have come to this. The company is also at fault for protecting her just because she was considered pretty or because she claimed to be unwell.

ex-service April

E concluded, “From my neutral position, I don’t hold any ill will toward Hyun-joo. She was fine to me. But it’s heartbreaking to see the other members being labeled as perpetrators.”

The issue of bullying and harassment among idols is an ongoing and sensitive topic in the K-pop industry. The individuals interviewed, who have worked in the field for decades, called this case an “absurd witch hunt” and expressed frustration at seeing innocent dreams crushed.

E said, “The truth has been heavily buried.”

C concluded, “Was Lee Na-eun the bully? She didn’t have the capacity for that.”

D added, “The idea of bullying and harassment is ridiculous. Even now, when people ask which idols were the nicest to work with, I say ‘April’. They were the kindest group I’ve ever met.

Reflecting on the recent KwakTube controversy, A commented, “I think the real bullying here is how netizens, with no interest in the truth, have ganged up on Lee Na-eun. She’s been harassed for years over an incident that didn’t even happen. April had some setbacks along the way, but every one of them is a precious individual going through difficult times. I hope no one else gets hurt, and above all, I hope there are no more victims.”

Source: Daum