
aespa’s Karina Brags About Handwritten Letters From Her Parents

aespa’s Karina revealed handwritten letters from her family members on special days such as on her birthday and after concert

On July 29th, the YouTube channel of W Korea uploaded an interview video showing aespa’s Karina introducing favorite items in her bag.

In the video, Karina showed various items, including her swimsuit, cat pouch, notebook and polaroid collect book, then introduced a huge letter box. She said, “I’ve had this at home ever since my kindergarten days, but I brought it back to the dorm. It’s a letter box. I collected letters I received from friends, my family and the members. There is also a letter written by my manager”.

karina aespa

Karina then revealed birthday letters that her mother, father and older sister wrote on her birthday for the first time. The letters contain family members’ feelings as well as concerns over their daughter’s health amid busy schedules.

Karina read another handwritten letter from her mother and said, “There’s a letter I want to brag about. Mom wrote it after I finished the concert yesterday”.

The female idol read her mother’s affectionate letter, which said, “I may not be able to spend much time by your side but my heart is always with you. Even when I’m with other family members, I always mention you in our conversations. Above all, don’t forget that you are the most precious existence and be proud of that”.

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