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NewJeans Fandom Files Complaint Against HYBE and Dispatch Reporters for “Defamation and Personal Information Leakage”

NewJeans fandom sues HYBE, Source Music, and some reporters.

On the 9th, Team Bunnies, NewJeans‘ streaming support team, posted a lengthy message on X (formerly Twitter), revealing this information.

According to Team Bunnies, “On the 2nd, we filed a complaint against HYBE Corporation, Source Music, and two reporters from Dispatch with the Yongsan Police Station in Seoul. Additionally, we submitted a petition to the Press Arbitration Commission requesting corrective action for defamation and personal information leakage by the reporters.”

They added, “Several journalists from various media outlets have reported that information was obtained illegally. They informed us that HYBE directly showed the reporters and media desks information obtained beyond what could be acquired in the course of their duties, attempting to manipulate the media.”


They concluded, “We will submit additional evidence and testimonies gathered as supplementary materials to the existing complaint soon. Once again, we want to stress that we are preparing much more than just this lawsuit.”

Here is the full statement from Team Bunnies of the NewJeans Music Streaming Team.

“Hello, this is Team Bunnies of the NewJeans Music Streaming Team.

On the 2nd, following our complaint filed against HYBE Corporation, Source Music and two reporters from Dispatch News Group at the Seoul Yongsan Police Station, we also submitted a petition to the Press Arbitration Commission. This petition requests corrective measures against Dispatch News Group for serious violations, including the unlawful acquisition of information, defamation based on this information and the dissemination of personal data.

Numerous journalists have reported to us that the information was illegally obtained. Additionally, it was revealed that HYBE showed journalists and news desks information that exceeded the scope of what could be lawfully acquired in an attempt to manipulate media coverage. We plan to submit newly gathered evidence and testimony to supplement our initial complaint.

Once again, we would like to emphasize that we have many more actions planned in addition to the current complaint. Furthermore, HYBE should stop shifting responsibility by using phrases like “independent judgment of ADOR” and “multi-label”. Out of the four newly appointed internal directors at ADOR, three are high-ranking executives at HYBE (C-level), and Lee Jae-sang, who resigned from ADOR’s board of directors in July, is currently the CEO of HYBE. No matter what happens, HYBE cannot avoid responsibility.

Please stop playing word games.

Thank you.”