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HyunA and Yong Junhyung Unveil Pre-Wedding Photos

Recently, photos presumed to be from HyunA and Yong Junhyung’s wedding photoshoot have become a hot topic on online communities.

Earlier, a friend of theirs shared the wedding photos on social media with the caption, “Even the wedding is like a photoshoot.” The couple, who announced their wedding for October, is seen wearing matching white outfits and striking affectionate poses, though not in a traditional suit and dress.

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However, despite the release of the wedding photos, netizens’ reactions have been cold. Yong Junhyung, HyunA’s fiancé, was involved in the 2019 ‘Burning Sun’ scandal and subsequently left his team. While it was reported that he was not part of Jung Joon-young’s group chat, he was known to have received illegal footage privately, which caused controversy.

Although he later enlisted in the military, taking a long break from the public eye, public opinion towards Yong Junhyung remains negative. When the couple started their public relationship in January, both HyunA and Yong Junhyung faced criticism from the public. Even after announcing their marriage, the negative reactions continued.

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In addition, rumors of a premarital pregnancy have emerged. In August, HyunA’s agency, At Area, announced, “HyunA has promised to marry Yong Junhyung, who has been a great comfort to her during tough times, and they will hold a ceremony with close friends in October to start a new chapter in their lives.”

When the couple announced their wedding, some speculated that HyunA might be pregnant before marriage. They pointed out that HyunA’s recent performance at an event was less energetic than usual. However, her agency denied these rumors in a statement to Xports News, saying, “The pregnancy rumors are completely unfounded. We hope that these baseless speculations do not spread further.”

As HyunA and Yong Junhyung navigate this challenging time, dealing with both public disapproval and premarital pregnancy rumors, their wedding photoshoot has been released ahead of their October wedding, yet the cold reactions persist.

Source: nate