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NMIXX Lily Breaks Down in Tears at Fansign Event

Fans of Lily, a member of NMIXX, are strongly reacting to JYP Entertainment’s handling of Lily’s alarming vocal condition. Since yesterday, Lily has shown signs of hoarseness, and the situation worsened today when she completely lost her voice. Despite this, JYP Entertainment decided to have Lily participate in a fansign event rather than allow her to rest and recover.

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This situation has become a focal point of concern among fans, as Lily appeared at the fansign visibly sad and exhausted. Unable to speak or sing for her fans, Lily felt deeply upset and guilty, even breaking down in tears due to her inability to communicate as she wished. This image has left fans worried and upset with how JYP Entertainment is handling the situation.

On forums and social media, Lily’s fans have expressed their anger, demanding that JYP Entertainment take better care of their artist’s health. They criticize the company for putting work pressure on Lily, leaving her with no time to rest, even when her voice was clearly in a serious condition. Many believe that forcing Lily to participate in the event under such circumstances is irresponsible and could cause long-term damage to her voice.

Lily’s tears in front of her fans have sparked a strong wave of protest from the fan community, urging JYP Entertainment to take immediate corrective actions and prevent similar situations from happening in the future. Lily’s health, along with that of all artists, should be the top priority rather than participating in unnecessary promotional events.