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U.S. Radio Visited by BTS’s Jungkook Praises “TWS, K-Pop’s Next-Generation Boy Band with Limitless Potential”

Boy group TWS (Shinyu, Dohoon, Youngjae, Hanjin, Jihoon, Kyungmin) appeared on “iHeartRadio LIVE with TWS”, held on July 30th (local time) at the iHeartRadio Theater in Los Angeles, USA. “iHeartRadio LIVE” has previously featured global stars like BTS’s Jungkook.

TWS captivated the audience with performances of seven songs, including “plot twist”, “If I’m S, Can You Be My N?”, “Unplugged Boy”, “Hey! Hey!”, “Keep On”, “Oh Mymy: 7s” and “Double Take”. They also held a surprise meet-and-greet event before the show, further connecting with their local fans.


Host JoJo Wright introduced TWS as “the next-generation K-pop boy band pioneering a new genre of ‘boyhood pop’“. He praised, “These guys have limitless potential. The performance was electrifying, and their choreography is top-notch.

During the interview, JoJo Wright highlighted the global popularity of TWS’s debut title track “plot twist”.

TWS expressed their affection for the song, “This song tells the story of overcoming the uncertainty of a first meeting with the expectation of bright days ahead. Thanks to our fans, 42 (fandom name), who are with us every day, this story has become a reality. That’s why this song is so special to us.”


Regarding their first meeting with American fans, TWS shared, “We were very excited for this first encounter. We’ve worked hard to prepare and want to share our music with as many people as possible. Please also look forward to our music videos and photos that will be displayed at the Grammy Museum.”

They added, “We want to show that we’re growing every day without stopping. We’ll keep working hard to become artists who can deliver bright and healthy energy.”

TWS’s performances will be available later on iHeartRadio and social media, with the full version available on Meta Horizon, Oculus and Meta Quest TV on October 28th.

Meanwhile, TWS successfully completed their first meeting with American fans by participating in “KCON LA 2024” held from July 26th to 28th. They will also take the stage at the “Global Spin Live Series” at the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles, a show that quickly sold out after tickets went on sale on July 19th.