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Lee Young-ji reveals the story behind her peck scene with Do Kyung-soo “I hoped he would reject it”

Singer Lee Young-ji will share behind-the-scenes of "Small girl" music video

Lee Young-ji, who swept various music charts with “Small girl”, will appear on KBS2’s “The Seasons – Zico’s Artist” airing on July 5th.

Earlier, Lee Young-ji released her first album 5 years after her debut, proving her immense popularity. She discusses the behind-the-scenes of “Small girl”, which garnered attention with its featuring and music video, “I thought it might be rude if I rejected the peck scene, so I actually hoped he (Do Kyung-soo) would reject it.

lee young ji zico

Zico, who is close friends with Do Kyung-soo, unexpectedly shares behind-the-scenes, “I also contributed to this song.” Before recording, he listened to the demo version and gave his opinion to Do Kyung-soo, urging him, “Definitely do this. It seems like it will create good synergy.” Lee Young-ji acknowledged Zico’s efforts.

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The two’s subtle connection and commonalities continue. They reveal tattoos engraved with patriotic sentiments, and Lee Young-ji introduces “Tough Cookie”, a song with a special story from her school days. They also perform a collaboration stage together, where Zico confesses “I was worried my voice would be overshadowed by Lee Young-ji’s vocal strength” and adds, “As a fellow singer, I admire her hard work.”

Meanwhile, KBS2’s “The Seasons – Zico’s Artist” will air at 10 PM on July 5th.