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Zico Responds to Rumors on Goo Hara’s Safe Robbery: “Completely Unrelated, Strong Legal Action”

On June 24, KOZ Entertainment, Zico’s agency, issued a statement on Wevers, stating, “We have confirmed that numerous defamatory, insulting, and false posts and comments about our artist Zico have been recklessly posted on various online communities and social media platforms.”

The agency continued, “Particularly, the spread of malicious rumors and false information, which have clearly been proven to be completely unrelated to the artist, has reached an intolerable level. We have therefore determined that strong legal action is urgently needed. Accordingly, we have collected evidence of posts and comments from various online communities and social media platforms, submitted complaints to investigative agencies, and plan to continue monitoring and submitting complaints regularly.”


The agency further clarified, “We explicitly state that the recent rumors about our artist are also false and that we will respond firmly to these as well.”

KOZ Entertainment emphasized, “To protect the rights and interests of our artist, we will take strict measures against those who post malicious content, based on evidence collected through fan reports and our own monitoring. We will hold them accountable, regardless of how long it takes. There will be no leniency or settlements under any circumstances.”

Lastly, KOZ Entertainment urged, “If you discover any malicious posts or illegal activities related to the artist, please actively report them to the official KOZ Entertainment legal response account.”

This strong response follows the broadcast of SBS’s “Unanswered Questions” on the 22nd, which aired a sketch of the suspect in the late Goo Hara’s safe robbery case, four years after the incident. 

After the broadcast, Zico received a flood of malicious comments on his social media, with some speculating that he might be the suspect. The agency has now pledged to take strong action against the spread of these rumors.

Source: Daum