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Female community members are flooding Zico with malicious comments, accusing him of being “Goo Hara safe thief”

On June 24th, comments from these female community members flooded Zico’s Instagram posts.

They included remarks like “Golden phone“, “Did you enjoy the golden phone?“, “Please explain the golden phone” and “Jung Joon-young’s best friend.”

This follows the June 22nd broadcast of SBS’s “Unanswered Questions”, which revealed a composite sketch of the suspect who stole the safe from the late singer Goo Hara’s residence in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul.


With the “Burning Sun scandal” being re-examined, Zico’s name has resurfaced due to his past comments. In 2016, Zico appeared on MBC’s “Radio Star” and referred to Jung Joon-young’s phone as the “golden phone”.

At that time, Zico said, “Jung Joon-young has a ‘golden phone’. It’s not his main phone, but one he uses for emergencies and messaging. It has a lot of contacts, like a Pokémon Pokédex.”

Jung Joon-young responded, “Zico comes over, looks for the ‘golden phone’ and reads it like it’s his own.”


This statement gained renewed attention during the Jung Joon-young illegal filming scandal, leading netizens to speculate about what Zico might have seen on the “golden phone”.

Zico clarified, “I have nothing to do with the unsavory incident. All I saw was a list of contacts, and I haven’t been in touch with him personally for a long time.” Despite this, some female community members are labeling Zico as the “Goo Hara safe thief” and inundating him with malicious comments.

Zico reiterated his stance, “I will strongly respond to malicious comments and the spreading of false information.