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Man Begging for Forgiveness After Sexual Assault Turns Out He’s a Famous Actor

On the 17th, JTBC’s ‘Incident Chief’ revealed the case of Ms. B, who was sexually assaulted at the home of Mr. A, the head of an acting academy, in October last year.

According to reports, at the time of the incident, Mr. A was contacted by his students, including Ms. B, who offered to give him a birthday present, invited them to his home, and offered his students alcohol. Afterwards, he sent the remaining students home first, saying, “I will consult with Ms. B,” and when they were left alone at home, Mr. A said, “If you have sex with me, you don’t have to pay the academy fees,” using the fact that he was behind on three months’ worth of tuition. It is reported that he then sexually assaulted her.


Host Yang Won-bo said, “The victim’s father contacted us, filled with indignation,” and revealed that the father of victim B directly reported the case to ‘Incident Chief.’

B’s father explained, “It’s one of the few acting academies in the area, and since there are quite well-known actors among the family of Representative A, there are many students.” Attorney Yang Ji-yeol added, “Mr. A is an actor with an award-winning career and a recognizable face. He has appeared on TV, so we would know his face as well.”

A video said to have been filmed after the sexual assault was also released. The video shows Mr. A, in his underwear, kneeling and apologizing, saying things like, “I’m sorry. I loved you,” “I misunderstood, I’m sorry,” “Can’t you understand me?” and “Can’t you just forgive me this once?” . Upon hearing A’s words, Ms B cried and said, “Please stop.” “I thought you were a real teacher.” “What are you misunderstanding? I said it twice!” “Please wake up,” she pleaded.

After seeing this video, Ms. B’s father called Mr. A, and during the call, Mr. A reportedly apologized, saying, “I’m sorry. How can I forgive you?”

However, Mr. A has now changed his position, denying the allegations of sexual assault and claiming that “there was no sexual intercourse.” Regarding the video in question, he explained, “There were a lot of back and forth circumstances.”

Person A is currently being sent without detention on charges of rape and other violations of the Youth Sexual Protection Act. It is reported that he escaped arrest and is currently teaching children at an academy. 

Source: nate