
JYP’s new boy group Xdinary Heroes introduces 4th member Jun Han

JYP Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as JYP) unveiled Jun Han, the fourth member of their new boy group Xdinary Heroes.

Earlier, from Nov 15, “Jooyeon”, “O.de” and “Gaon” were revealed one after another through dramatized teasers as a part of the debut project. At 0:06 on Nov 18, the fourth member “Jun Han” was introduced for the first time, which boosted expectations about the group’s final formation.

♭form” is raising curiosity as an unknown entity that appeared in the videos of members Jooyeon, O.de and Gaon. Whereby, domestic and foreign K-pop fans are making various speculations towards the common denominator “♭form” appearing in dramatized teasers.

Xdinary Heroes Jun Han

The rookie group Xdinary Heroes, which includes Jooyeon, O.de, Gaon and Jun Han with distinct personalities, has been heating up online communities even before their debut. JYP will unveil undisclosed members sequentially through teasing contents that narrate each member’s characteristics and potentials. New announcements about Xdinary Heroes can be found on their official website (https://xdinaryheroes.jype.com/) as well as SNS channels.

Xdinary Heroes” is short for “Extraordinary Heroes. With the motto of “Anyone can become a hero”, it is expected that hidden heroes in the midst of the ordinary will gather to show off their extraordinary talents.

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