
IU’s live broadcast’s real chat speed makes everyone shocked

IU drew attention from netizens’s video at the time of her comeback with the 5th regular album ‘Lilac’.

At the time of IU‘s comeback, a video showing the live broadcast chat speed was recalled.

IU live broadcast
Naver NOW, “Spring of a Twenty Year Old”

Recently, on the online community Ephem Korea, Naver NOW. , a scene from ‘Spring of a Twenty Year Old’ was brought up and attracted great attention.

The video showed IU having a chat with her fans after releasing her 5th full-length album ‘LILAC‘. On that day, the fans held an event to celebrate IU‘s comeback by commenting the phrase ‘My Lilac Ji Eun-ah, thank you for coming back to spring’ into the chat window.

In response, IU opened a chat window for fans during the live broadcast. In the scene, IU showed, chat messages from fans appeared with so fast speed that it was impossible to read.

Naver NOW, “Spring of a Twenty Year Old”

Netizens who watched the video responded, “It’s kind of scary”, “I think there were nearly 300,000 people at that time”, and “The chat window is really exploding”.

IU live broadcast
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