
Song Kang’s appearance has become more manly “Current status in the military revealed”

Actor Song Kang's current status while faithfully serving in the military has been revealed and is a hot topic

Song Kang enlisted in the army on April 2nd. The day before his enlistment, he posted a handwritten letter on his official fan cafe, expressing his feelings, “I won’t be with you for a while, but time flies quickly. When that time comes, I hope to see you again with a grateful and healthy heart. I hope to meet you with a happier appearance than now.

He also revealed his plan, “There are many things I want to do in the military, and one of them is learning a new language. I don’t want to waste the year and a half.” This plan caught attention.

As Song Kang had been actively involved in various activities such as starring in “My Demon”, “Sweet Home Season 2” and participating as a storyteller in “I-Land 2” before his enlistment, many fans felt regretful about his absence. However, the revelation of Song Kang’s dignified current status is soothing their regrets.

On May 4th, photos of Song Kang’s current status were released through The Camp. In the photos, Song Kang is seen smiling brightly while standing shoulder to shoulder with his fellow soldiers, boasting his still shining visuals and eliciting admiration.

Then, on May 5th, a video of Song Kang participating in religious activities was released. Song Kang showed his perfect adaptation to military life by happily singing along with his fellow soldiers, capturing attention.

Having completed five weeks of training, Song Kang now appears more relaxed compared to the early days of his enlistment. In a photo released on the 4th day of his enlistment, Song Kang’s stiff expression while saluting received reactions like “He seemed very nervous“. However, fans are now relieved to see Song Kang’s current status showing him enjoying his military life.

Meanwhile, Song Kang will continue his duty after completing basic military training and being assigned to his unit.

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