
Lee Je-hoon Praises ‘Signal 2’ Script: ‘Insane’

Actor Lee Je-hoon: "After reading the script for 'Signal 2,' I could only say, 'This is insane.'"

In an interview on the morning of the 20th about the action movie ‘Runaway’ (directed by Lee Jong-pil, produced by The Lamp), Lee Je-hoon shared his thoughts on playing the North Korean soldier Lim Gyu-nam, who risks his life to escape from the North to the South, and his anticipation for his next projects, ‘Signal 2’ and ‘Taxi Driver 3.’

Lee Je-hoon stated, “While portraying Gyu-nam, I kept wondering why this character had the goal of escaping. He must have constantly thought about whether the predetermined life after discharge was right for him. With the single goal of escaping to pursue the freedom he desired, he prepared for this.”

lee je hoon

He continued, “My skin is usually very fair, so I had to work hard on tanning to depict Gyu-nam’s skin. We maximized Gyu-nam’s exhausted and worn-out appearance with makeup, which made me like the character even more. Usually, I look in the mirror frequently during filming, but there was no need for that while shooting ‘Runaway.’ If I felt I looked too neat, I would go to the makeup team and ask them to make me look worse,” he laughed.

Regarding his upcoming projects, Lee Je-hoon said, “‘Signal 2’ and ‘Taxi Driver 3’ are waiting for me. When I read the scripts, I could only say, ‘This is insane.’ Even though the script for ‘Signal 2’ isn’t fully out yet, just the initial parts made me say, ‘This is insane.’ It seems like it will be a work that shows something beyond people’s imagination. Instead of saying, ‘Kim Eun-hee is indeed Kim Eun-hee,’ it’s more like ‘Kim Eun-hee has outdone herself,'” he confidently expressed.

‘Runaway’ is a film about a North Korean soldier who starts a run for tomorrow and a security officer who chases the soldier to protect today, featuring a life-and-death chase. It stars Lee Je-hoon, Koo Kyo-hwan, and Hong Sa-bin, and is directed by Lee Jong-pil, known for ‘Samjin Company English Class’ and ‘Dori Artist.’ It will be released on July 3rd.

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