
Lee Je-hoon Makes “Signal 2” Fans Go Crazy “Writer Kim Eun-hee Has Outdone Herself”

The drama "Signal" Season 2 is gradually taking shape amid enormous anticipation, with lead actor Lee Je-hoon describing the script as "insane"

On June 20th, during an interview held at a cafe in Samcheong-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul in celebration of the release of the movie “Escape”, Lee Je-hoon mentioned “Signal 2” while discussing his upcoming projects. Previously, writer Kim Eun-hee solidified the production of Season 2, eight years after Season 1 in 2016, causing a frenzy among long-waiting fans.

Lee Je-hoon hinted, “When reading the script, the only thought that came to mind was ‘This is crazy’. I only read the early script of ‘Signal 2′, but I couldn’t help but think, ‘How can someone write like this? It’s insane.’ It seems like it will be a work that shows more than people imagined.”

kim eun hee signal

He emphasized, “It’s been 10 years, and one might think, ‘Wouldn’t it be better to leave it as is?’ But ‘Signal 2’ is Kim Eun-hee beyond Kim Eun-hee. It made me think, ‘Kim Eun-hee has outdone herself.’

Kim Eun-hee has written several hits, including “Sign”, “Phantom”, “Kingdom”, “Jirisan” and “Revenant”, but for fans, “Signal” is undoubtedly number one. The 2016 drama “Signal” depicts detectives from the past and present, connected through desperate radio transmissions from the past, re-investigating long-unsolved cases.

By skillfully combining the genres of time-slip and mystery, “Signal” achieved syndromic popularity. Cho Jin-woong, who played Lee Jae-han, won the grand prize at the tvN10 Awards that year, and the performances of Kim Hye-soo and Lee Je-hoon are still considered legendary. Fortunately, due to its open-ended conclusion, fans have openly anticipated Season 2.


For Kim Eun-hee, “Signal” is a special work. During an event held in December 2016, she emphasized that “Signal” Season 2 would only be possible with a great script, as the actors and staff had a lot of affection for the series.

Although there were many fans eagerly awaiting “Signal 2”, Kim Eun-hee decided to take a breather for a better script. Instead of just sitting and planning, she satisfied her creative thirst with the zombie series “Kingdom”, which she had long wanted to create, and received acclaim for the Korean-style occult drama “Revenant”.

Now, finally, it is Signal 2’s turn. In March, during a lecture at La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy, Kim Eun-hee and Jang Won-seok, the CEO of production company B.A. Entertainment, announced that they were preparing “Signal 2”, officially confirming the production.

As Lee Je-hoon described, a “crazy” script is being written. For fans eagerly awaiting “Signal”, it is an emotional moment to see how much Kim Eun-hee has outdone herself in creating the new season.

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